ashure Journal for Legal Studies issued by the iraqi Association for Leagal Sciences
Iraq - Najaf - Princesses Residential Village - Block 23
Ashure Journal for Legal Studies issued by the iraqi Association for Leagal Sciences is a journal issued by the Iraqi Association for Legal Sciences, specialized in the fields of law and politics. The journal seeks to provide research services for researchers at various levels. The journal is published periodically in each season. The journal works to be a platform for scientific publishing that deals with topics that represent practical solutions for society inside and outside Iraq. The journal allows research to be written in both Arabic and English within scientific foundations of high quality.
Achieving leadership in scientific publishing in order to reach the world
Ashure Journal for Legal Studies issued by the iraqi Association for Leagal Sciences seeks to achieve a qualitative addition to the level of publishing and scientific research by stimulating the writing of scientific research according to high quality standards, and this can be achieved by benefiting from the experiences of national and foreign researchers. It works to stimulate creativity and innovation by supporting research that is characterized by originality and intellectual creativity
The magazine aims to achieve the following goals:
1- Effective contribution to raising the level of scientific research within the scope of specialization
2- Allowing researchers and experts to gain continuous experience in the field of scientific research.
3- Achieving partnerships with solid scientific institutions inside and outside Iraq.
4- To be a portal for communicating scientific research to researchers, those interested, and postgraduate students.
5- Keeping abreast of scientific developments in the field of law and politics